I had a relaxing Saturday swatching these babies before a lovely dinner of Indian food and marathon of Super Nintendo games, despite the fact that I should have been studying for an upcoming cell biology midterm haha! Let me know how you guys spent your Saturdays in the comments!
Onto the reviews and pictures!
Venus de Meow is a very pale purple crelly with tiny blue circles, many large silver and a few purple hexes, and medium-sized silver holographic hexes (you can see one that appears green in the bottle shot)! Formula-wise this polish was pretty thick, but it is from an older collection I believe. Nail polish thinner didn't seem to help very much at all, but the polish was still manageable! Shown here is two thick coats and no top coat!
Bronzite is a dark brown creme with tiny gold and orange circles and small silver flakies! I am seriously in love with this beauty. Guys, I think this is my new favourite polish. I know I never use caps lock here, but LOOK AT IT!!! Formula-wise this polish was a little thick, but totally useable and manageable! I find slightly thick polishes like this have the easiest consistencies to work with so there are no formula issues to report here! Shown here is two easy coats and a coat of top coat!
I can't say enough good things about this polish guys. I was going to swatch the five other polishes I picked up from Northern Star Polish and maybe even the three Contrary Polish polishes I that arrived the other day, but after one coat I base coated my other hand because I had to wear it!
Are you guys as in love with Bronzite as I am? Even though it's a whole 15mL polish and I only ever finish black or white cremes, I seriously might need to pick up a backup of this lovely! I hope you're all having a lovely and relaxing Sunday, thank you so much for reading everyone! :)