Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Giving Credit and Manis on my Family Inspired by Other Nail Art Bloggers!

Hey everyone! Today I have a slightly different kind of post for you all today, I want to talk a bit about being inspired by or following a tutorial by someone and the issue of giving credit. I also want to show you four manis I've done on my sister, mom and grandma recently because I think they're pretty cute! They even tie in with the topic I'm going to discuss!

Just recently a Youtuber more popular than MrCandiipants made a tutorial for a MrCandiipants original design without crediting that fact. She could have not known who originally came up with the design, apologized and given MrCandiipants the credit she deserved. Instead, she deleted and blocked all of the comments (including the nice ones) saying that it was MrCandiipants' design and that she should credit her. I even commented very sweetly on her Instagram picture about it and on her blog post and guess what? They're both gone and I can't even find her Instagram when I search her username. Curious as to who this is yet? The perpetrator was the one and only MissJenFabulous.

I swear to you I'm not writing this to turn you against MissJenFabulous or anything like that, this is just an example of how bad this issue has gotten. You can read more about it here, it sounds like Jen has done the same thing to many other people :(.

On the other end of this, about two weeks ago I made the new banner you see here out of some bottle shots of my favourite (mostly indie) polishes. Later that day I clicked on a new post from Harriet, the author of the blog Nailhilism, and realized I must have gotten my inspiration from her (click the link if you'd like to see her banner). She had given her blog a makeover in celebration of it being a year old, and a local indie brand even made a nail polish in honour of her one year blogiversary. I took my new banner down from every social media site I had posted it to and waited a week or so before even contacting Harriet to ask if she was okay with me putting it up. There were so many exciting things going on with her blog turning one and I didn't want to make it any less happy and exciting! Clearly she was amazing about the whole thing and we both decided we should talk about this issue on our blogs!

It's not hard to give credit where it's due or to admit your mistake and give credit later rather than never.  I guess I'm hoping MissJenFabulous will read this and it will convince her haha? Let's just all try and make sure we give credit where it's due, at least in the nail polish community okay? :) I think I'll start writing out what inspired me to do each bit of nail art I do, whether it was food, an outfit, an object, or another nail art blogger!

Anyways, onto the manis!

These are my sister's nails that I did using some holographic diamond glitter, inspired by Laura at PolishalltheNails!

This mani was done on my mom to go with her new paisley dress! I think I was mostly inspired by paisley designs that you'd find on a stamping plate.

These zig-zags on my grandma were inspired by MrCandiipants' zig-zag tutorial!

And last but not least, these nails were also inspired by a MrCandiipants tutorial, her peach one of course!

Thanks so much for reading everyone! Does someone not crediting someone else's design when they know they've stolen it from them bug anyone else? :P Which of these manis is your favourite? Let me know in the comments! =)