Sunday, 17 November 2013

Plaid Nails Inspired by MrCandiipants!

Hey guys! Today I have some plaid nails inspired by MrCandiipants' flannel tutorial (here)!

After doing this mani I was feeling flannel and plaid so hard that I actually ran to my favourite thrift store and picked a few shirts up! One of them had a rip in the armpit, but my grandma came over and fixed it after I painted her nails! She definitely did a better job than I could have done haha! I'm going to go ahead and insert a picture because we took a cute one of my hand, my mom's and my grandma's last night (she's wearing Emily de Molly Turbulence by the way)!

It was just a lovely evening to top off a lovely day! I even found an American Apparel skirt for only four dollars! Score!

Anyways, let me tell you about the nails! I watched Mrcandiipants' tutorial on Youtube (linked above) a week or more ago and I've wanted to do plaid nails ever since! I know mine aren't that similar to hers, but I like them nonetheless! I do wish that I had done the yellow (Color Club Almost Famous) stripes before (under) the black (Orly Liquid Vinyl… duh!) and blue (Essie Mesmerized) ones, but it had already taken a while so I decided to keep them like this! Also, the red base isn't just one colour like it looks in the picture, the middle square is NYX Girls Bloody Mary, the four corners outside of the black lines are Sally Hansen Nail Growth Miracle Stunning Scarlet, and the colour that makes a huge plus sign under the middle square is American Apparel Poppy! I'm so sad that the plus sign and the square on top look like the same colour in these pictures, I made the overlapping part darker like most plaid looks and you can tell in real life! :P

Anyways, onto the pictures!

Plaid/Flannel Nail Art

Plaid/Flannel Nail Art

Plaid/Flannel Nail Art

Plaid/Flannel Nail Art

Plaid/Flannel Nail Art

Here's my right hand! I think it looks pretty similar to my left hand and for that I'm pretty proud!

Thank you so much for reading everyone! What do you guys think of plaid or flannel nails? Or more specifically, what do you think of these? Talk to you soon! :)